We have a large bay window in our living room. I heard something hit the window and caught a glimpse of a bird that had crashed into it. It is a regular occurrence and if anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent it, let me know. Anyway, I looked out onto the porch and saw a bird thrashing about. I went out onto the porch and the bird was obviously dazed. I picked it up, brought it into the house and got my camera and began a video.......
See below for the rest of the story after the video,
I was calling this little bird 'she' but it turns out it is a he and it is a Common Yellowthroat Warbler. The males have the black mask. It took this little bird about 5 minutes to fully revive. I checked it's wings and legs for breaks and they appeared to be o.k. Shortly after I quit videoing I went to move him to a safer place than the brick ledge so he would not get eaten by predators. I picked him up then sat him back down and off he went into the trees. I think he will be alright. Yaaaay!
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