Thursday, June 6, 2013

Whose tongue is in my mouth......?

Thursday, June 3, 2013:

Yes, you read it right.  My tongue feels as though it is a foreign object in my mouth.  It is swollen, cracked and dotted with blisters again.  The blisters extend down into my esophagus.  So much for the ice water, hunh?  In my previous post I was hoping the ice water would keep the tongue issues at bay.  Not!  Eating meat is a strange experience.  The texture is odd to say the least.

Strength?  I am as wimpy as someone who has been bedridden for a month or less or more!  Standing up for a minute or two makes me physically exhausted.  I never realized how much my core muscles are engaged/involved with the simple act of standing until now.  My core gets a lactic acid burn as if I were doing sit ups.  As a result I am quickly tired out to the point that I must sit down or fall down.  Once sitting I am as out of breath as though I had been exercising.  It takes me a few minutes to rest before I can get back up.  Sitting totally upright also has the same effect.  As a result I am doing a lot of sitting and lying down.  I can hardly wait until my strength returns.  It usually takes about 2 weeks or so.  Tick tock, tick tock........!

Also having the green apple foxtrot from time to time after eating the slightest amount of food.  I started using Metamucil every morning and it seems to help with any 'distress' I have.

This is all so strange to me.  I have never in my life had a major health issue or injury.  I was blessed with extraordinary health.  I have come to realize that I am a mere mortal and can suffer from the frailties of the common man.  I'm not complaining, just letting folks know what I am going through so don't feel sorry for me.

Please pray for my sister Wanda who is going through a major health challenge that began when mine did.  The medicine is kicking her butt right now.  Also keep my sister in law, Barbara in your prayers.  She is facing new health challenges as I write this.

Hugs to all,


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