Thursday, March 14, 2013

And I actually thought I was better?.......

March 14, 2013, Thursday:  Here is a HOT STOCK TIP......invest in toilet paper, NOW.  You will be rich in just a matter of months based on my current usage!

Well, after posting my last blog I went to bed and had a restless sleep.  I got up around 8:30 am and called the Dr.'s office.  I always call the nurse, Joyce.  She is such a sweet lady.  I gave her an update on all the going's on and she was going to talk to the Dr. and get back with me.  When she called me back she said first of all the Dr. was going to call in a  prescription for a mouth rinse to help with the white tongue issue.  Then she proceeded to tell me I was eating ALL THE WRONG THINGS.......OUCH!  When we went to 'chemo school' what I remember (and mind you my memory is not all that great right now) but what I remember hearing was for the first 'few' days eat a 'bland' diet.  Once I start feeling like I can eat more then go ahead and eat anything I want.  Well, to me, a 'few days' means 3 days and you can bet by the 4th day I was HUNGRY......grrrrrrrrrr.  So, guess what?  My body was literally craving vegetables, vegetable, vegetables.  So, you can see in my last post what I was eating.  Apparently it was making my stomach and bowels go into overtime digesting all the roughage.  So, all the nutrition information about eating healthy was just thrown out the window.  You know what the experts tell us to stay on the outside aisles when buying grocery?  That way we will buy more fruits and veggies and less processed junk found on the inner aisles.  For the most part I would do that but also on the outside aisles are the cookies and pies and cakes and milk and their sweetness is my weakness!!  Hahahahaha......... 

What was I told to eat?  I know you are dying to know.  White rice, white bread (no whole grain which is what we usually eat), oatmeal, cream of rice, chicken noodle soup, chicken and rice (no skin), rotisserie chicken (no skin), jello, puddings, eggs, bananas, applesauce, clear broth ...YUMMY..., clear carbonated liquids such as sprite, Gatorade, grape juice, saltine crackers, noodles, canned fruit like peaches, pears, mixed fruit, angel food cake (really?).

What not to eat:  high fiber foods, dairy products, high sugar foods (wonder if that means doughnuts?), fried foods, fresh or raw or cooked vegetable and fruits, dried fruits, granola, popcorn, seeds, nuts, trail mix.  Nothing spicy or that may cause gas (broccoli, beans).  So, you should get the general idea of their expectations.

By now it is 4pm or so and I went to the store and picked up the proper groceries.  I warmed up some Panera Bread Co. chicken noodle soup.  After 2 teaspoons for the junk I had Wayne try it just to make sure it wasn't my taste buds.  One sip and he was done.  He said it was nasty, too.  I gave it to my dog which will eat anything and she turned her nose up at it.  We have a really smart dog.  :-)  Now, I am really starving.  I decided to make a chicken salad sandwich using one slice of white bread and had an 8 oz. Sprite.  Cute little can which is just the right size for me. I ate it and waited, and waited, and waited for the pain to begin.  I wasn't disappointed either.  About 2.5-3 hours later the abdominal pain began and a sprint to the bathroom ensued.  Yowza, yowza.  Sweat beads popping up on my brow and you get the drift.  When I finally surfaced I decided maybe I needed more fluids because my oz. count was waaaaaay loooooooowwww.  I grabbed a Gatorade and chugged about 1/2 of the quart? bottle.  Huge mistake.  Less than 5 minutes later I had a stabbing pain in my chest and it was sooo bad I RAN to the kitchen, got my medicine bag (everyone has one of those, don't they?) and chugged the Pepto Bismol.  It has not been approved by my Dr. but from my point of view it was life or death!  Within a few minutes it was instant, and I mean instant relief.  WOW!  What a wonderful thing a belch is.    Ahhhhhhhhhhh....  So, for now I will leave the Gatorade alone.  I am still feeling abdominal pain though not quite as severe as before but definitely uncomfortable.  My tummy is doing all kind of gurgling in there.  It is now 8:40 pm and I still have a low grade fever.  It has been exactly one week since my chemo and the crown of my head is beginning to lightly itch.  Not uncomfortable but noticeable.  This is a sign of the hair loss that is to come.  I will not be going to work tomorrow and hopefully can return on Monday.  I guess it's oatmeal for breakfast.  And....I really do like oatmeal. 

Everyone have a nice day and here are some words of encouragement:



  1. Glenda, you are experienceing the part of chemo nobody tells you about. It burnt me up all the way through and out. I know its tough and it will get tougher with each treatment, but remember there will be better days ahead after chemo. There is life after chemo. Hang in there and if there is anything I can do for you just let me know. Deborah

    What Cancer Cannot Do
    Author: Unknown
    Cancer is so limited...
    It cannot cripple love.
    It cannot shatter hope.
    It cannot corrode faith.
    It cannot eat away peace.
    It cannot destroy confidence.
    It cannot kill friendship.
    It cannot shut out memories.
    It cannot silence courage.
    It cannot reduce eternal life.
    It cannot quench the Spirit.

  2. Thanks, Deborah. I am getting used to oatmeal, rice and mashed potatoes! Hahaha. It will get better.
