Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring is in the air.......

Redbud Tree

Hey everybody,

Still not sleeping well but I am very thankful that food is tasting pretty good right now.  I woke up and found my scalp to be very tender.  I ran a brush through it and only the normal few hairs came out.  It is now several hours later and it is no longer tender.  My face and hands were flushed this a.m. as well.  I was hoping I had weathered all the side effects until my next treatment but I guess not.  I have good energy and good spirits so there is a lot to be thankful for.  I am becoming a 'paleface' and no one has ever referred to me as that.  Part of becoming a paleface is that all my 'sunspots'  are disappearing.  Hahahaha.  If they could figure out the exact chemical that is causing that to happen maybe they could market it to get rid of those 'sunspots'.

I am ready for Spring to get here.  Hopefully my Dogwoods and Redbud has not been harmed by the cold nights.  They are so pretty when they bloom.  I hope my little Prothonotary Warblers come back to nest on my porch, too.  Here is a picture of the Dad.  At least I think it is the Dad.  He is usually prettier in color than the Mom.  They are good parents and aren't shy around people.  They are fun to watch.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and I will pick this back up Monday unless I have something significant to share.


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